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Original premise with interviews you can’t hear anywhere else. A hidden gem of a show and a must-listen for true crime junkies.

Best true crime podcast
As a listener of nothing but true crime, Andrew’s podcast is one of my favorites. It goes beyond only discussing a case, and he asks the questions most of us were wondering.

Awesome podcast.
I really love this podcast. He never disappoints.

Very informative podcast with a fantastic attention to detail. Highly recommended.

Great podcast!
Andrew is fantastic. Such an interesting podcast.

Great episode as always!!

The Other Side
As someone who works with the victims of heinous crimes, I appreciate your podcast for showing the other side and how their brain works. It helps people like me to understand that there sometimes just are no answers and all we can do is support the victim. You go where many are too afraid to go and I truly appreciate you for that.

Great podcast!!
Just found this show and absolutely love it. Keep up the great work!! Todd - Cohost Middle Aged And Creeped Out podcast

I so agree with every 5 star review…had given same
You bring not just a true crime story but the crime another perspective. Most recent episodes are lacking or less interesting. Most recent snippet was an aggravation on my news feed.

So good!
It’s one thing to regurgitate information about crimes. It’s another to hear straight from the criminal mouths. Andrew has taken it to that whole new level.

Well done!
Worth a listen, great interviews and content! Keep up the great work!!

Jason vukovich interview
Was phenomenal, Andrew is an amazing interviewer! Jason is a truly nobal man hoping this helps his case and helps get him out, Andrew you did GREAT

True Crime done right.
I listen to quite a few true crime podcasts but this is by far my favorite. Others try to inject humor in to their story telling. I don’t feel like murder is the time for humor. Unforbidden Truth let’s the perpetrators themselves speak in their own voices. I’m telling you, you won’t find THAT anywhere else. I like to hear the story, then hear their voices. It’s amazing how many sound like the guy next door. Evil lurks anywhere it wants.

Amazing podcast very informative

Great podcast

Fascinating interview
Really compelling pod!

nature or nurture ….take heed…. serial killers are not born
Riveted by the interviews… especially, Ernest Smith, his descriptions of child abuse are horrific….his childhood non existent….however, he killed and enjoyed it…punishment in order…..however…..he has written a book on child abuse and their consequences….. might be interesting if a professional reviews his writings.

But please stop asking “how was your childhood growing up”. Redundant 😒

Great content but poor production quality
Very interesting content but it sounds like it is recorded in a tin can.

Great podcast!
Very good content with the questions asked you want to hear.

I can’t hear
Can you make the sound louder? Sounds like mumbling! :(

Thomas Gant
This interview was very informative about the rehabilitation programs in our prisons. Thomas was articulate and did a great job expressing his compassion for his fellow man.

Interview with Thomas Gant
Andrew, thank you for your interview with Thomas. His story of his childhood and how He came to be in prison is very interesting. It goes to show that the person Thomas was at 18 is clearly not the same man he is today. The calling on his life to help others is admirable. The value he places on human life while volunteering with Hospice is very heartfelt and the good work he is doing while in prison is certainly preparing him for a bright future from out behind bars. This is a very inspiring story of how one man might not have had a great start in life due to bad choices but can certainly turn around and impact others for good with the God given abilities and talents He has. Blessings, Tracey Hanko

A Conduit of Light from Dark Places
I have to admit that the titles of the episodes are hard for me to read because I know that my husband is so much more than the crime he committed. I know that the others whom Andrew has interviewed are as well. You cannot stop at the titles though. This podcast deserves so much more than surface level attention. Andrew has found a way in each of the episodes I have listened to, to get to the spirit of the person who he is interviewing. That is no easy feat considering the barriers that incarceration presents, and the nature of communication from prisons, and in some cases the people who he is interviewing. We live in a world where most of us (at least in the US) have access to each other 24/7, and if this pandemic has shown us anything it is the importance of that. People in prison do not have that privilege and as a result they are cut off from the larger society, their stories are buried behind cement and steel. Andrew is a conduit to shine a light on those that are hidden, on the victims whose memories are stored in their loved ones hearts, and whose stories can help others understand or even change the trajectory of someone’s life. Thank you Andrew for highlighting the “Unforbidden Truth.” Kerry Gant, wife of Thomas Gant.

This podcast is truth! Truly great hosts and content!

Podcast like no other
Wow. Psychological and deeper than true crime goes. Hooks you like that!

A must listen!
If you are into trying to get insight in the minds of people who did harm to others, this podcast is a must listen! Keep up the great work 👍🏾

Awesome Pod
Subscribe to this one. The interviews are chilling and Andrew really digs deep to get his interviewees to open up. If you like true crime, you should be listening. 🤘🏻 The ODDentity Podcast

You don’t get a lot of podcasts with actual murderers being interviewed this is amazing! Everyone should subscribe! 😍

Love it!!
Super amazing podcast with the best host!! Highly highly recommended!!